Load wide variety of image data
tiff, bmp, jpg, gif, png, ras, ppm, hdf, pcx, xwd, pgm
Prolith AIM files
DI AFM files
Zygo Interferometer files
Load any image data directly from clipboard
New file types available upon request
Built-in image processing
Image rotation
Negative image
Image cropping
Image filtering
Image detrending
Processed image export
View zoom capabilities
Integrated visualization
Lineout plots of SEM image
Interactive threshold-setting plot of resist lines
CD as a function of length along line
Line-edge position as a function of length along line for easy outlier detection
Spectral visualization
Processed line-image visualization
Line-edge overlay on SEM image and processed line image
Export "cleaned-up" processed image as tiff or Prolith mask file
Pattern Rec for device-level LER or CD measurements
Contact-analysis capabilities
Corner-rounding measurement capabilities
Process-window analysis capabilities
Surface analysis tool, detrending, 2D PSD, isotropic PSD, integrated roughness, flare, etc.
Compound data analysis
Automatically combine multiple images into single analysis dataset
Built-in data visualization capabilities for easy report generation on large data sets
Measurement & Analysis
Integrated spectral analysis
High-pass, low-pass, band-pass and notch filtering of LER spectrum
Automatic PSD noise-floor estimation
Advanced LER Metrics
Height-height correlation function
Sigma versus length function
PSD slope calculation
Correlation length calculation
Roughness exponent calculation
Automatic PSD noise-floor estimation
System noise estimation tool
Integrated interactive fence metrology
Integrated interactive line-out metrology
Results storage, retrieval, and export
Save and reload calculation results to/from Matlab ".mat" files
Export results to Excel-compatible .csv files
Export results to Matlab command window (requires Developer’s Kit)
All plots can be exported as raw data or graphics and sent to clipboard for easy report generation
Recipe-creating storage and retrieval capabilities
Automatic calibration from most LEO and Hitachi SEM files (new formats available upon request)
Synthesize SEM images of lines with LER and export image as tiff or Prolith mask file
Stochastic Resist modeling capabilities to synthesize resist images from aerial-image data based on given resist parameters
Batch mode operation
Export batch data to CSV
Integrated batch data plot tool for easy visualization of large data sets
Threshold batch tool for automated through threshold analysis
Automation to simultaneously measure both lines and spaces with built in reporting
Region of interest (ROI) processing
Line-based ROIs
Rectangle-based ROIs
Multiple simultaneous ROI processing
Automated ROI array generation capabilities
Extensive ROI interactive editing capabilities
Integrated line-image prefiltering options
Numerous built-in processing algorithms
User-selectable threshold
User-selectable threshold detection algorithm
User-selectable line-edge interpolation algorithm
User-selectable outlier handling
Line-edge-data post-processing options
Scripting language support
User-defined algorithm presets for convenient recall of settings
User-defined processing function capabilities (requires Developer’s Kit)
Various manual calibration methods
User-configurable preferences
Automatic, semi-automatic and manual fence positioning
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